Pupil Led Liturgy
Category: Year 6J
Niall’s Ronaldo ‘Book Talk’ recommendation
Category: Year 6J
Cheeky elf’s in year 2 / 3 !
Category: Year 2/3M
Christmas is coming !
Category: Year 2/3M
Celebrating more of Our Memorial Art
Category: Year 6J
Celebrating our Memorial Art
Category: Year 6J
Year 5 Mass - Advent
Well done Year 5 for a lovely Mass this morning. Excellent reading and beautiful singing!
Category: Year 5M
Nursery News 4.12.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Advent Wreaths
We have been making our Advent Wreaths this week. Advent is a time of preparation, we are getting our gifts ready for Christmas.
Category: Nursery
Year 4’s Reading Breakfast!
Thank you to all the parents and pupils who came to the year 4 Reading Breakfast. It was lovely to see so many of you enjoying reading together.
Category: Year 4Mc
Dragons Den
Year 6 have been pitching their apps to the rest of the class- Dragons Den style!
Category: Year 6E
We love Times Tables!
We thoroughly enjoyed times tables club this afternoon!
Category: Year 4Mc