Materials and their Properties
Year 1 enjoyed working scientifically to investigate the properties of different materials today.
Category: Year 1S
We love the Library!
Category: Reception
Our Winter Walk
Category: Reception
Shake, Shake, Shake!
We made shaker bottles to use in our phonic and our music activities.
Category: Nursery
Year 5 Music
Category: Year 5M
Nursery News 27.11.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Do you need an appointment?
We have been doing a lot of mark making in our role play hospital, making appointments and writing prescriptions.
Category: Nursery
Times Table club fun!
Category: Year 4/5D
Creating our online educational game in Computing!
Category: Year 4Mc
Look what arrived in the post!
Today we opened a parcel that had arrived from our partner School in Japan-Sakura Kindergarten. We were so excited to look at the fabulous artwork and read the letter and cards Mr Ishii and the children sent to us. We are now planning what we are going to send back to the children!
Category: Reception
Thank you Theatre Nurse Katy!
Category: Reception
Not all superheroes wear capes…
Category: Reception