Ancient Greek workshop
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Spanish - writing animal names
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Science - investigating surfaces and friction
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Using the tongue drum in music
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Celebrating neurodiversity awareness week
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Our wonderful class mass
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Meeting the chicks
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Oracy - our talking trios creating their discussion guidelines
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Oracy - exploratory talk - odd one out game
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Art - looking at composition and shape using a view finder
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Music - drawing line notes and space notes
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Exploring artefacts from Ancient Greece
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran