Hand gymnastics in sensory circuits
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Sorting books into fiction and non fiction
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Showing our finished animations
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
DT - creating different mechanisms
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Maths - addition crossing 10
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Computing - creating our backdrops and sprites for our animation
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Learning to play frere Jacques
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Exploring moving books in DT
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Disco fun !
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Science - food groups and nutrition
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Place value in maths
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Being Historians investigating artefacts
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran