Drawing and cutting out our stocking!
Category: Year 4Mc
Sewing in DT!
Category: Year 4Mc
Making Trenches : Part 1
Category: Year 6J
Year 5 Spanish - Learning about Christmas in Spain
Category: Year 5M
Learning about Spanish Christmas Traditions!
Category: Year 4Mc
Practising sewing for our Christmas stockings!
Category: Year 4/5D
Exploring Nutrition labels in science
Category: Year 2/3M
Winter Reading Challenge!
Our reading ambassadors Chioma and Skyla informing us about the Winter Reading Challenge!
Category: Year 4Mc
Special Visitors!
This morning we had two special visitors! Mrs. Donnelly and her friend came to tell us about looking after our teeth. We talked about brushing our teeth and eating healthy snacks. She brought her friendly crocodile with her and he had his teeth brushed too!
Category: Nursery
Dental Nurse Ann
Thank you to Dental Nurse Ann who came to visit us today to teach us how we should brush our teeth properly! We also discussed which foods were best for snack time and talked about what happens when we visit the Dentist!
Category: Reception
Nursery News 11.12.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
F92 - creating chatterboxes to promote mental health and wellbeing!
Category: Year 4/5D