Learning how to program a Beebot
The Children loved writing instructions (algorithims) to tell the beebot where to go.
Researching Nutrition
Category: Year 6J
Monopoly Circuits
Category: Year 6J
Getting ready to write!
Category: Reception
We see numbers everywhere!
Category: Reception
Geography Fieldwork in Year 1
Year 1 are getting very good at using a compass. We had a great time in Lostock Park and we looked at the route to the park on a map.
Category: Year 1S
Geography Fieldwork in Year 1
Year 1 had a great morning at Lostock Park on Friday. We found north, south, east and west using compasses and we drew what we could see at each of the compass points. We had a walk around the park looking at signs of autumn and ended the morning with a playtime on the playground.
Category: Year 1S
Maths - How Many Ways Can You Make a Number?
The children loved working in groups to write number sentences all with the same total.
Category: Year 2DB
Map Reading
We could not have located the war memorials in our local area without using our maps.
Category: Year 6J
Lest we Forget
A wonderful trip, with an impeccably behaved 6J, to compare the range of war memorials we have in our local area. Fascinating, poignant and something we will all remember every time we walk around our local area.
Category: Year 6J
Loose parts play
Category: Reception
Computing: App Design
Year 6E presented their Apps today- Dragon’s Den style. There were some tough questions from the dragons.
Category: Year 6E