Reading and discussing the play script ‘Hansel and Gretel’!
Category: Year 4Mc
Multi-Faith Week in Year 1
The children have listened to the story of Abraham and Sarah. We discussed the meaning of this story and how important it is to trust in God’s promises and be patient, just like Abraham and Sarah. We created this wonderful price of art to represent how God told Abraham he would have as many…
Category: Year 1D
Look what has arrived…
Category: Reception
A lovely liturgy today, led by some of our Year 2 children. Everyone listened respectfully and enjoyed joining in with prayers and a hymn.
Category: Year 1S
Our Book Bistro
Year1/2 booked their tables in our book bistro on World Book Day! They enjoyed sampling different books and then sampling some biscuits and juice!
Category: Year 1S
World Book Day
We loved reading different books in our book bistro!
Category: Year 1S
Nursery News 6.3.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News. There will be more information about the chicks this week, but if you are aware that your child may have any allergies PLEASE let us know asap. Thank you.
Category: Nursery
Times Table fun!
Category: Year 4/5D
Multi Faith week-Judaism
Category: Reception
Judaism - Hanukkah
We had a busy week finding out about Hanukkah and how the Jewish children celebrate with their families. We heard how the Temple was wrecked and how the little bit of olive oil lasted not one, but 8 days, which gave the people the time they needed to make more oil. We made a picture of a menorah…
Category: Nursery
Welcome to
World Book Day Celebrations In Reception!
Category: Reception