Creating some lovely Easter cards today
Category: Year 2/3M
Creating stable structures!
Today year 4 created 3D stable structures in preparation for making our mini greenhouses in D&T!
Category: Year 4/5D
Discussing Jesus’ self-giving in Religion
Category: Year 4Mc
Easter Treats
We made our own Easter Cards and treats to take home to our families. We made crispy cakes and we even made the basket to put it in!
Category: Nursery
Science Investigation
Category: Year 2DB
Category: Year 2DB
Discussing and Planning in Computing!
Category: Year 4Mc
Measuring in Maths!
Category: Year 4Mc
Easter Production!
Well done to year 3 and 4 for putting on a wonderful show tonight to tell the Easter story! They did a brilliant job!
Category: Year 4/5D
Our Bunny Hop
On Monday we did our Bunny Hop with the Reception classes. We are helping to raise money for people who need help. It is a good thing to help other people, in nursery we try to be kind to our friends. Thank you to our families who supported us as we raised money for the people in Turkey and Syria…
Category: Nursery
Year 3 and 4 Easter Service
A huge well done to year 3 and 4 for their wonderful performances tonight and how beautifully they told the Easter story through acting and song. Your hard work and dedication has been amazing throughout!
Category: Year 4Mc
Sponsored Bunny Hop!
Category: Reception