Creating our mini greenhouse models in D&T!
Today year 4 created their own mini greenhouse models using spaghetti, marshmallows and clingfilm!
Category: Year 4/5D
Earth Day 2023
We always celebrate Earth Day in Nursery. This year we shared a story called ‘The Messy Magpie’, he liked to collect lots of things, because he thought they were nice - bottle tops, plastic caps, things that we call rubbish. He realised though that he was damaging the place where he lived. We help…
Category: Nursery
Exploring the ruins of the Acropolis in Ancient Greece
Category: Year 4Mc
Our Plants are Growing
All our plants are growing!!
Category: Nursery
Identifying the features of a Non-Chronological Report in English
Category: Year 4Mc
Having Fun Learning Handball
Category: Year 2DB
Exploring Weight
This week we have been exploring ‘weight’. We had a super time blowing the feathers which were very light. We had the seesaws in class to see how it went up and down and we had our balance scales and our rocking moon toy out.
Category: Nursery
Our first handball session
Category: Year 2/3M
Caitlin teaching us all about Coeliac disease !
Category: Year 2/3M
Musical note writing!
Category: Year 4Mc
Spanish Club!
Category: Year 4Mc
Making words plural in Spanish!
Category: Year 4Mc