Kings and Queens of Nursery
We were the Kings and Queens of nursery today!
Category: Nursery
Kings and Queens of Nursery
We were the Kings and Queens of nursery today!
Category: Nursery
Kings and Queens of Nursery
We were the Kings and Queens of nursery today!
Category: Nursery
Kings and Queens of Nursery
We were the Kings and Queens of nursery today!
Category: Nursery
We buried a Time Capsule.
We went out with our school family and we buried a Time Capsule. We made a booklet of us dressed as the King and Queen of Nursery and that is what we put into the box. The box will be opened in many years when we are grown up - maybe our own children will be at St.Hugh’s by then!
Category: Nursery
Jesus Appears to the Disciples
Our beautifully decorated fish remind us that Jesus appeared to the disciples while they were fishing.
Category: Year 1S
We have been getting ready for our Coronation celebrations tomorrow!
Category: Nursery
A virtual tour of the Acropolis of Athens and the Parthenon!
Category: Year 4/5D
Geography - Finding Similarites and Difference
Category: Year 2DB
Discussing the power of the Holy Spirit in Religion
Category: Year 4Mc
Nursery News 3.5.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Category: Year 2DB