Handball, practising our ball skills.
Category: Year 2DB
Spanish Club!
Category: Year 4Mc
May - the month of Mary
We have a very old statue of Mary in nursery, probably from around the 1950s. The children looked carefully at Mary and used the paints to make beautiful pictures of her. We talked about Mary and we have been saying her special prayer the ‘Hail Mary’ each day.
Category: Nursery
Nursery News 9.5.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.m
Category: Nursery
History - The Royal Family Tree
Category: Year 2DB
Lovely red, white and blue clothing to match the UK flag
Category: Year 2DB
Coronation Fun!
Category: Year 2DB
Celebrating the Coronation!
Category: Year 4/5D
Coronation celebrations!
Category: Reception
Coronation celebrations!
Category: Reception
Coronation Celebrations
Category: Year 4Mc
Celebrating the Coronation
Category: Year 2/3M