Musical Thursdays with Year 3
Year 3 had a great first lesson this afternoon!
Please encourage your child to look after their instrument and remember to bring it in next Thursday.
Have fun at home!
Category: Year 5M
Musical Thursdays with Year 3
Year 3 had a great first lesson this afternoon!
Please encourage your child to look after their instrument and remember to bring it in next Thursday.
Have fun at home!
Category: Year 4Mc
Parcel from Japan
We were very excited when Mrs Doherty told us a parcel had arrived for the children in Reception today! The parcel had come all the way from Japan and it was from our link school- Sakura Kindergarten. Inside there was a Japanese doorway curtain for our classroom and origami kimonos for us to take…
Category: Reception
Dark Den
A dark den has arrived in Year 2/3 to help us with our topic work and as a place where we can explore the dark in class!
Category: Year 5M
Amazing Authors!
In Year 5 we have just started to read 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. All we know so far is that it is about a boy called Jim Jarvis who is from the Victorian times. It sounds really interesting and we can't wait to find out what else happens!
In Guided Reading we are studying the work of…
Category: Year 6J
On the Road
Today Year 6 took to the streets in their Bikeability session.
Category: Year 6E
Year 6 are doing Level 1 of their Bikeability course this morning- rain or shine!
Category: Year 6E
The BFG - Dream Bottles
Year 5 have been making dream bottles as part of their work on the BFG! They have also been looking at the language Roald Dahl used to describe the Big Friendly Giant so they can become better writers.
Category: Year 6J
Roald Dahl
In assembly this week we talked about Roald Dahl as today would have been his birthday. We talked about all of his books and stories and I dressed as a giant peach as this was my favourite book as a child.
Click here for the Reception Weekly Newsletter
Category: Reception
Apologies but due to the unprecedented demand we have not been able to finalise numbers for violin lessons as yet.
Lessons will begin on Friday as planned and confirmation of costing and dates will follow as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Our Self Portraits
As part of our topic "Ourselves" we have been using mirrors to look at the different parts of our faces to paint our very own self portraits!
Category: Reception