Working together as a team!
I love this picture :-) the children working together as a team.
Category: Year 4Mc
Working hard in RE
This week in RE we have been looking at the promises our parents and godparents made at our baptism. We decided that it's very important to keep promises ( I hope the children remember this when this when they are promising to tidy their bedrooms!! ).
Category: Year 4Mc
'Cups and Saucers' in PE
What a fun PE lesson!
Category: Year 4Mc
Today we had our first Spanish lesson with Manuel!
Category: Reception
12x table rap! Getting moves ready!
Year 5 have begun to learn their 12x table. They listened to a rap to help them and worked in groups to add some moves!
Category: Year 6J
A trip to the Marist Centre
Year Six thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the Marist Centre today, through prayer, drama and rapping we thought about the key to having a great time in Year Six.
Category: Year 6E
Is there anyone out there?
Year 5 had a very special visitor today. Sue Andrews a specialist science teacher came in and taught us about Martian soil. We did lots of experiments as well!
Category: Year 6J
We love the rain!
We love it when it rains, we can have such fun in the puddles. This morning we are using powder paint to make patterns and we are experimenting with mixing colours to make new colours!
Category: Reception
Practical Science
Year 5 had to investigate how to separate sand, salt and iron! They predicted, investigated and planned how to do this experiment.
Category: Year 6J
Gruesome Gruel
Today we had to taste gruel! This will help us understand more about the lives of children in the workhouse and the types of food they had to eat.
Category: Year 6J
PE with Nursery
Wow! Only 4 weeks in school and Nursery children can get fully changed for PE!
Well done children (and Mrs Elsey and Mrs Karran).
Writing with emotion
Year six are studying Rose Blanche, the story of a German girl who discovered a concentration camp. The children have been writing from the point of view of a prisoner and of Rose herself. Their writing has been fantastic- tear jerking!
Category: Year 6E