Representing Numbers
We all worked together to make our new display about how we can represent numbers.
Category: Nursery
Mrs Crumb for MP!
Today we had great fun looking at Mrs Crumbs policy for running the country! We made our own policies and had a giggle in the process. Great writing Year 4!
Category: Year 4/5D
Operation garden clean up !
We are very busy, weeding, chopping and cleaning our outside area to be used as an outdoor classroom over the summer term.
Category: Year 2/3M
Nursery News 21.6.21
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
D & T sewing
This week we have finished our beautiful birds. They are simply stunning and the children worked so hard on them. Well done Year 4!
Category: Year 4/5D
What would Mr Stink do?
This week we have been reading the wonderful book Mr Stink! Today we spoke about lots of different scenarios and what we thought the characters in the story would do in that situation. We certainly had a giggle and a laugh too!
Category: Year 4/5D
Musical Wednesdays!
We had a fantastic music lesson with Mrs Ali. We spoke about how we need to look after our voices and we practised some wonderful breathing activities. We are excited to start composing our own pieces next week!
Category: Year 4/5D
Finding right angles
To prepare for our new unit in maths of geometry, we searched around our school for right angles!
Category: Year 4/5D
Sports Fun on the Field
We have been on the field to practice our races for Sports Day.
Category: Nursery
Our New Book ‘Call Me Gorgeous!’
Year 1 had a fabulous time reading our new book ‘Call Me Gorgeous’!
It was all about a fantastic imaginary animal so Year 1 decided to create their own animal too!
We used pictures of reptiles, birds, mammals, fish, insects and amphibians. All we have to do now is name our gorgeous…
Category: Year 1D
It’s always better when we’re together!
After a lovely two weeks off school we are refreshed and excited for our last half term together!
Category: Year 4/5D
Nursery News 14.6.21
Welcome back! Here is this weeks Nursery News. I forgot to mention in the newsletter but if you have any empty butter tubs, or anything that we can use in our little farm shop please could you send them in for us please. Any of the below would be very welcome..........
butter tubs, cream cheese…
Category: Nursery