Race for Life
Year 1 had a brilliant time taking part in the Race for Life. Thank you Mr Smith for organising our day
Building bridges
In RE, we looked at different ways in which we can build bridges with people when our relationships break down and we do things we are sorry for. The children worked really well to act out the scenarios we spoke about.
Category: Year 4/5D
Race for life!
Everyday they make me proud to be their teacher. Today was no different. The beautiful tributes, the amazing effort and the fantastic cause. Year 4, you are wonderful xx
Category: Year 4/5D
Our Race For Life
We all did really well when we did the Race for Life. We loved wearing pink for the day and we were able to help raise lots of money for poorly people.
Category: Nursery
Race for Life
We raced for life today with our very own Mr Motivator ! ( Mr Smith )
we were fantastic
Category: Year 2/3M
We Are Going On A Journey
We were using the cars and trains to ‘go on a journey’. We talked about how we get to school, the places we like to go, such as the park and we moved the cars forward, backwards, left, right and around!
Category: Nursery
Nursery News 28.6.21
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Children’s Liturgy
What a great way to end the week! It was great to re group and celebrate our liturgy together. Thank you Khushi, Ruby & Taliah. It was beautiful.
Category: Year 4/5D
Euros tournament!
A great first round of our Euros tournament!
Category: Year 4/5D
Representing Numbers
We all worked together to make our new display about how we can represent numbers.
Category: Nursery
Mrs Crumb for MP!
Today we had great fun looking at Mrs Crumbs policy for running the country! We made our own policies and had a giggle in the process. Great writing Year 4!
Category: Year 4/5D
Operation garden clean up !
We are very busy, weeding, chopping and cleaning our outside area to be used as an outdoor classroom over the summer term.
Category: Year 2/3M