Party Squares!
Today the children extended their understanding of square numbers further by playing a whole class game called 'Party Squares'. They had to use their number and find another number in the classroom that when added together made a square number. They made 9, 16, 25, 36 and 49! After a little…
Category: Year 6J
Mission Christmas Appeal Update!
Investigating colour using chromatography at Loreto Grammar!
Category: Year 3K
Year 3 Brass Concert
The Brass Concert date has been changed to the following week - Thursday 5th December. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
Category: Year 5M
Change to the concert date
The Brass Concert date has been changed to the following week - Thursday 5th December. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
Category: Year 4Mc
Phewwwww - what a week!
Phewwww I am glad we are back to normal this week and the Egg Dramas have come to an end! Well done Year 3 on your fantastic letter writing and even better police reports which helped all involved solve the mystery!
Walking onto the playground will never be the same again - whatever next in…
Category: Year 4Mc
What's inside the egg?
We have had lots of fun thinking about what was inside the mysterious eggs that appeared on the school field. In reception we have had lots of ideas! Could it be a dinosaur? Could it be a dragon? Or even an alien from outer space?
Category: Reception
The Mystery Continues
The mystery objects appear to have hatched. The scientists are continuing their investigations and a Year 2/3 continue to report on the mystery. We hope to have further updates tomorrow.
Category: Year 5M
Budding Reporters in Year 6!
The children have really enjoyed writing their newspaper reports, we have used the iPads to give them a more professional look.
Category: Year 6E
Egg-citing news at St Hugh's!
Something amazing happened over night at our school. Two giant eggs or so they appeared were found in the middle of the school field. Scientists arrived to investigate. In Y4 we did our own investigations and came up with some interesting results. Watch this space...
Category: Year 3K
Our class Spider men (and spider girl!)
Some of our class at 'Rock Over Climbing' reaching the summit!!
Category: Year 3K
Eggsperts Required!
Year 5 could not believe their eyes this morning when they saw the mysterious object on the playground. Many children had heard strange noises in the middle of the night and decided that these must be connected to the incident this morning.
Category: Year 6J