Planning our final piece inspired by an artist we have studied!
Category: Year 4/5D
Paul Nash Art
Category: Year 6J
Vocabulary Check
We have been identifying and clarifying unfamiliar vocabulary in our Extended Read this morning.
Category: Year 6J
The Rosary
Category: Year 6J
We have been finding out about ‘sorting’ this week. We found out that you can sort in many ways, this week we have been sorting by colour, by size and by shape.
Category: Nursery
Imperial War Museum
Category: Year 6J
Finding key geographical features on the map of the UK
Category: Year 2/3M
Remembrance at the IWM
Category: Year 6J
Netting an American War Veteran
Category: Year 6J
Maths in action-Capacity!
Category: Reception
Category: Year 4Mc
Finding Out
We like to ask questions in nursery, it is fun finding out the answers. We found an animal and asked our teachers what it was. It was a ring tailed lemur, so we watched a short video that told us all about him! We used the computer to help us investigate.
Category: Nursery