More catapults!
Category: Year 1S
Combining our work on forces and castles we measured just how far we could launch marshmallows using the catapults we made!
Category: Year 1S
Football Fever!
Year 1S really enjoyed their first football session with Manchester United and are looking forward to next week!
Category: Year 1S
Beanstalk reading group
A lovely read this afternoon with the Beanstalk group. They are currently reading 'Too Big!' By Geraldine McCaughrean.
Category: Year 4Mc
Mrs Catahan comes to visit
Mrs Catahan came to visit Year 3 this morning to help them prepare for their sacramental programme. We learnt some new prayers and songs and spoke about how important the sacramental programme is to us as Catholics.
Category: Year 4Mc
Exploring weighing scales in reception
We have been learning all about weighing scales, we have been thinking about how different things may be heavy or light. We have been using ourselves as weighing scales and testing out our ideas about which objects might weigh the same and balance our scales.
Category: Reception
Our EYFS Collective Worship
This week in our collective worship we have been thinking about "love" and who loves us at home,church and school.
We also thought about all the times we have shown love in the many different things we do.
We listened to a story about the different ways we know we are loved. We have learnt…
Category: Reception
Year 5 competed against many other schools in Trafford playing dodgeball. They had a great time. Thank you Mr Smith for organising it.
Category: Year 6J
Year 5 and Year 6 welcomed Ann Wilson, a representative from Cafod to speak to them about the water issues in Africa. They learned lots of interesting information about water usage and how much water they use compared to a person living in a rural African village.
Category: Year 6J
Pyjama Day
For excellent behaviour recently and achieving all their Secret Agent Tokens Year 6 had a very special treat.
They chose to wear their pyjamas for the day. Thank you and well done Year 6 for being such good Agents.
Category: Year 6E
I say, 'Thank you for the music...'
We have been having music lessons with Mr Simms from St Antony's Catholic College. The first task he set us was to make our own musical instruments.
The instruments produced were amazing!
Category: Year 3K
Our collective worship
Every Tuesday reception and nursery spend sometime together listening to the gospel and learning how we can be like Jesus. Today we were thinking about how we share the light of Jesus in all the good things we do.
Category: Reception