Chocolate Fractions
Year 5 have been learning about fractions. They had to decide which table to go to to get the most amount of chocolate! Yummy!
Category: Year 6J
P.E. had me climbing the wall!
Our first P.E. Lesson using the new wall turned out to be great fun as the class demonstrated their traversing skills.
Category: Year 5M
Today we celebrated our EYFS Mass on the theme of God's Family. Thank you to Fr Michael for making it so special.
Category: Reception
Brass Concert
We are so sorry for any inconvenience caused over the Brass concert. It appears we had the wrong date and only found out just after lunch time! I hope you all received the text messages and please accept our sincere apologies.
The concert will go ahead next Tuesday at…
Category: Year 4Mc
Think Friday!
The fun you can have with paper and scissors! The children were asked to cut the paper in a certain way so that they could step through it?!! Very entertaining! We'll done Connor Mc and Eloise for working it out first!
Category: Year 6E
Maths Picture Fun!
We have been exploring number in reception! We have had lots of fun matching numerals to quantity to create maths pictures using natural materials.
Category: Reception
A lovely remembrance assembly
Thank you all for being part of our act of remembrance today
Category: Year 4Mc
Air Raid Shelters
Thank you to all the children and parents who made these fantastic air raid shelters!
Category: Year 6E
Human number line
Year 3/4 were making human number lines today in Numeracy.
Category: Year 4Mc
Remembrance Talk
Thank you Mrs Blackwell for telling us about your dad's adventures in WW2.
Category: Year 6J
Meteorite Measuring
Year 5 found out about meteorites and discovered that they can cause crators on planets if they collide. We wanted to find out if the size of a meteorite would determine the size of the crator. Would the weight be important or the distance it would be travelling from? We set up an experiment to…
Category: Year 6J
Silver Trail
Thank you for all the silver for our huge trail! Fingers crossed we win!
Category: Year 4Mc