Triangles Problem.
Year 5 wanted to find out if Pythagoras was right that all triangles added up to 180 degrees. To prove this they drew different triangles and ripped them into three pieces. If they added to 180 degrees all the pieces would make a straight line.
Category: Year 6J
Pythagoras - triangular numbers.
We found out that the Ancient Greek mathematicians believed that some numbers were beautiful or ugly, male or female. They also believed that numbers meant something. Year 5 found out about triangular numbers and looked for patterns, they also tried to find out if there was a formula that could…
Category: Year 6J
As part of Greek Day we investigated a famous greek mathematician's theories. We found out about triangular numbers and triangles adding up to 180 degrees.
Category: Year 6J
Greek Day
Year 5 surpassed expectation with their fabulous Greek Temples. They are so good that they need to go in a museum dedicated to Greek architecture. Well done!
Category: Year 6J
Well done Reception Bunnies!
Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Reception for all completing the sponsored Bunny Hop for St Joseph's Penny!
Category: Reception
Caritas Bunny Hop
As part of our Caritas fundraising EYFS completed a sponsored bunny hop!
Well done everyone.
Stations of the Cross with Christine Towers
Year 6 really enjoyed their art workshop with local artist Christine Towers.
Category: Year 6E
Greek Temples
I popped into Year 5 this morning as they were peer assessing their Greek Temples made for homework.
As ever. A great effort.
Caritas Week
This week is Caritas Week. We are thinking of the poor and vulnerable in our local area and how we can help during Lent with our fundraising activities.
Category: Year 6E
Fractions of chocolate bars- yummy!
Today we found halves and quarters of a chocolate bar and of course we had to eat it afterwards!
Category: Year 1S
Painting in the style of George Seurat
Today we looked some paintings by the artist George Seurat. We saw how his paintings were made up of dots and we tried this ourselves!
Category: Year 1S
Stations of the Cross
Today our painting project began in earnest. With the help of Christine Towers we are painting the Stations in the style of different artists.
Watch this space.....