Preparations for our Macmillan coffee afternoon
We have been busy decorating cakes to enjoy this afternoon! A big thank you for all the yummy donations for such a great cause !
Category: Reception
Our class Mass
Father Michael celebrated mass with Year 1S on Wednesday. We have been talking about all the beautiful things that God has created in our world and we made a big rainbow together. Thank you to Father Michael and all the parents and parishioners who celebrated mass with us.
Category: Year 1S
Victorian Dining
Year 4 and Year 5 all stepped back in time this morning and experienced eating 'Gruel' just like Oliver Twist.
Well done all those children who got into role and were brave enough to try the Gruel!
Category: Year 6J
Glorious Gruel
The children entered the Workhouse this morning and sampled the most delicious gruel ever. They were asking, 'Please Miss, can I have more?'
Category: Year 5M
Gaelic Football
The children really enjoy learning about Gaelic Football and are working hard on their fist passes.
Category: Year 5M
Making sentences
More fabulous Noun, which, who, where sentences. Well done Year 5.
Category: Year 6J
Making sentences
In English this week, we have been making 'Noun, who, which, where' sentences so that we can improve our writing.
Category: Year 6J
Pupils of the Week
Well done to Luke & Erin, our first two 'Pupils of the Week'!
Category: Year 6J
Independent Learners of the Week
Well done to Luke, Grace & Ben, our 'Independent Learners of the Week'!
(for the past three weeks so far)
Category: Year 6J
Street Child
Year 5 are really enjoying reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty. They have been finding out all about 'Jim Jarvis' and his unfortunate life in the Victorian era.
Category: Year 6J
Times tables challenge!
Every Wednesday the children will do a 'Times table challenge', they must improve their score and time each week, your child will bring home their results on a Wednesday evening, please practise with them at home, they really enjoy beating the clock and their score!
Category: Year 6E
Year 6 Class reader
This term year 6 will be reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The children are really enjoying it so far.
Category: Year 6E