Happy Wednesday
It was so lovely to find this random act of kindness!
Our school is always filled with love and happiness and this was a little reminder of that this morning!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Liturgy about change by Lois, Freya and Ellie!
Category: Year 4/5D
Anyone for Tennis?
Category: Reception
Nursery News 15.7.24
Here is this week’s newsletter.
Category: Nursery
Just Playing?
In nursery we love building, but we are learning as we play. Building helps us to understand shape and pattern, we might want to be architects when we grow up!
Category: Nursery
It’s Party Time!
We celebrated the end of the school year by having a party together with the Reception classes!
Category: Nursery
Class debate about whether Sunday should still be a day of rest (the Sabbath)
Category: Year 4/5D
Computing - sending and receiving emails
Category: Year 2/3M
Making pizzas in DT
Category: Year 2/3M
Busy busy busy!
So much work going on behind the scenes, planning transitions and SEN plans for next year!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Star Gymnasts
Congratulations to this week’s Star Gymnasts.
Category: Nursery
Acting out the story of the ‘Lost Sheep’ in Religion!
Category: Year 4Mc