Science- skeletons and their uses
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Geography - finding the ancient civilisations and rivers
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Creating Egyptian patterns and symbols in art!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Representing numbers to 10,000 with place value counters!
Looking after our environment!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Fun in the sun!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Well-being Wednesday
A great lunchtime sensory session! It’s great to be back.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Performing the story of Jacob's blessing!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Experimenting and creating our own Ancient Egyptian Art
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Exploring Ancient Egyptian Art
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Art - creating textures and Egyptian Art
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Mastering Number!
Today we started our new Maths scheme!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby