Computing in Year 5
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
DT in Year 5M
Category: Year 5M
This week we learnt to play ‘This old man ‘
OS maps and four-figure grid references!
In today’s geography lesson, the children had the chance to look at ordinance survey (OS) maps from around the UK. They learnt about OS maps and four-figure grid references. They did a class quiz where they were given a region and had to locate it on the map, then identify the four-figure grid…
Category: Year 4/5D
Outdoor Play Learning
Category: Reception
Enjoying a story during play learning time.
Category: Reception
Computing: Google Forms
We have really enjoyed experimenting with Google Forms this afternoon. Some very interesting surveys were created.
Category: Year 6E