Sponsored Rhyme Time for World Book Day!
In Nursery we are learning Nursery Rhymes for World Book Day to raise money for our school.
Category: Nursery
Stone Age: Comparing the Palaeolithic and Neolithic Periods
Category: Year 4Mc
Class Liturgy!
Bella L, Evie and Lily performed a lovely class liturgy for us today all about pets and caring for animals in our world. They focused on loving and taking care of animals and showing stewardship. They read a lovely reading from the bible called Noah's Ark...well done girls!
Category: Year 4/5D
Child led Liturgy -Mary and the Rosary
Collaborative art!
Category: Reception
Prehistoric Cave Art
Category: Year 4Mc
A Prehistoric World
Today we designed our own prehistoric cave art. We created brown paper using white paper, tea bags and water. Then we used pastels to create a background of earthy tones. We used charcoal and oil pastels to draw the outline of the animals and our hands and used our fingers to create different…
Category: Year 4Mc
Science - investigating shadows
Children’s mental health week
We have been thinking about our growth mindset and how we have grown so far this academic year. We made posters celebrating our friends success.
6J are ‘Talking about Bruno’
Category: Year 6J
This term we are starting our History topic all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and then the Iron Age.
Today we talked about what history is and most of the children could say it was about learning about people, events and life in the past. We also looked at lots of different artefacts…
Category: Year 2DB