Finding 1, 10 and 100 more and less than a given number
Category: Year 3M - Miss Moran
Performing the poem 'Slinky Malinki' by Lynley Dodd!
Category: Year 4D - Miss Dineen
Creating a rhythm for our poem in Music!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating a rhythm for our poem in Music!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating a rhythm for our poem in Music!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating a rhythm for our poem in Music!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Performing the poem ‘Slinky Malinki’
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Play learning!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Making Skeletons!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
Oliver’s Vegetables
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
It’s all about 3!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby
It’s all about 3!
Category: Reception - Mrs Doherty and Mrs Danby