Tasty Fruit Salads!
Year 1 have designed and made their own fruit salads! They have worked in groups and chosen fruit for their salad. They have washed, peeled, sliced and grated fruit and vegetables. Well done Year1!
Category: Year 1S
Measuring Capacity
Year 1 measured the capacity of different containers. They found out which container had the largest capacity and which container had the smallest capacity.
Category: Year 1S
Burning investigation!
Today Y4/5 started to learn about burning and how it changes materials. We carried out an investigation into how the size of a glass effects how long it takes for a candle flame to extinguish.
Category: Year 4/5D
Track games!
In Maths we have been playing track games and then making up our own in play learning.
Category: Reception
Nursery News 16.5.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Magnificent Measuring
Category: Year 2DB
Working Scientifically
Category: Year 4Mc
Labelling our body parts
Longer or shorter than a metre?
Category: Year 2DB
Making mini greenhouses!
Today in Y4/5, we created our own mini greenhouses. We planted some mint seeds which we will place in sunlight and water every few days, so that they grow into lovely fragrant mint herbs!
Category: Year 4/5D
Jack and the Beanstalk
We have had lots of fun retelling the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk, we have also learnt a song in Music and completed some fantastic writing.
Category: Reception