Maths: Telling the time
Category: Year 4Mc
Learning about different faiths
Thank you so much to Jagdeep, Karamraj and Mr Singh for teaching us about Sikhism. Everyone learnt so much today.
Category: Year 1D
Learning about Different Faiths
Thank you so much to Jagdeep, Karamraj and Mr Singh for teaching us about Sikhism. Everyone learnt so much today.
Category: Year 1S
Giacometti inspired drawings!
Y4/5D produced some amazing pieces of artwork this afternoon, which were inspired by Alberto Giacometti. Next week, they will move onto making their own 3D sculptures...Giacometti style!
Category: Year 4/5D
Getting Ready for Reception!
We have started to carry our own trays at lunch time, this is what the Reception children do. We have to walk slowly and carefully to our seats, there are plenty of grown ups ready to help us, if we need it!
Category: Nursery
Painting in the style of Lowry at the Lowry Art Gallery
We painted our families in the style of L.S Lowry.
Category: Year 1S
Our Visit to the Lowry Art Gallery
We had a great day at the Lowry Museum. We enjoyed looking at paintings by L.S Lowry and we had a go at sketching our favourites in the gallery. We also did some painting and created a collage.
Category: Year 1S
Lowry Centre Visit
It was really interesting to visit the Lowry Gallery and see the actually paintings and drawings by LS Lowry. We even sam his hat and some of the brushes Lowry owned.
Category: Year 2DB
Lowry Workshop
Category: Year 2DB
Our Visit to the Lowry Centre
Category: Year 2DB
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Category: Year 4Mc
Number Recognition Fun!
This week have been practicing our number recognition skills. The children enjoyed doing a cut and stick car-parking activity and then used a simple car park and cars to practice with their friends.
Category: Nursery