Firework ingredients
Today’s ‘hook’ for our new book ‘The Firework Makers Daughter !
We have been practising the formation of the letters we have learnt so far in our Phonics sessions.
Category: Reception
Funky Fingers!
Every day we have different ‘Funky Fingers’ activities to help develop our fine motor skills.
Category: Reception
Our special book in school this term !
Category: Year 2DB
The Curiosity Cube
There was a lot of excitement and discussion this morning about what was in our Curiosity Cube this week! I wonder…
Category: Reception
Learning musical notes with Mrs Ali
Nursery News 10.10.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Outdoor Geography Lesson
Category: Year 2DB
Author visit - Ricky Strachan
Category: Year 2DB
Yoda’s Visit
Category: Year 2DB
Class Liturgy on Peace
A beautiful liturgy all about ‘Peace’ led by Ellie, Toby-Ray and Maisie.
Category: Year 4Mc