We have been learning about Baptism
Category: Reception
We will remember them
Category: Reception
Working Scientifically with solids, liquids and gases!
Today we were continuing to learn about solids, liquids and gases! We performed an experiment where we added currants to lemonade and another experiment with foam-burst shower gel!
Category: Year 4Mc
Remembrance Class Liturgy
Thank you to Bella, Dylan, Lily & Reece for our thoughtful and reflective class liturgy.
Category: Year 6J
The Mark 10 Mission
We love listening to The Mark 10 Mission liturgies. We especially like singing along.
Category: Year 1D
Sorting Different Materials
Our new topic in Science is Materials. We looked at lots of different materials and sorted them into groups. We then searched around our classrooms for other objects we could include. We did a great job.
Category: Year 1D
Child led liturgy
Three of our class members planned their own liturgy with Mrs Griffiths. They decided to base their liturgy on angels. They set up our liturgy cloth and chose which objects they wanted to place down. They found a story in the bible which included Angel Gabriel. They did a great job.…
Category: Year 1D
Writing number sentences
We have used whole part models and multilink to make number sentences.
Category: Year 1D
Points of the compass
The children have been learning all about the points of the compass. We put our skills to the test by pretending we were treasure hunters in search of the gold. We took it in turns to be blind folded and give each other directions to find the gold. We did amazing and remembered the points of…
Category: Year 1D
Nursery News 14.11.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
History Remembrance
We observed 2 minutes silence in the playground.
Category: Year 2DB
Remembrance Liturgy
Category: Year 2DB