Christmas Crafts
Making snowmen.
Category: Year 2DB
KS2 Christmas Carol Service
A huge well done year 3/4 for your beautiful singing in todays carol service. We are so proud of you all.
A special mention to our amazing soloists, reader and violinist - Lois, Naomi, Lois and Ellie and the children who showcased the beautiful nativity scene - Darcy, Maisie, Daniel &…
Category: Year 4Mc
St Hugh's Got Talent Auditions!
Well done Year 4 for some great auditions - we had dancers, singers, comedians, animators, musicians and more! Congratulations to Edward and Jakob who have made it to the next round...but who will make the finals!?
Category: Year 4/5D
KS2 Carol Service!
Well done Year 4 - your singing was beautiful and well done to Alicia for her lovely confident reading! Another big well done to the talented violinists Alex, David, Jakob and Esme - it was beautiful to listen to.
Category: Year 4/5D
Hello Rudolf!
Today we made some ‘Reindeer Food’. We used porridge oats and raisins, we did NOT put any glitter into the mix, as we thought the birds might like to eat up some of the crumbs that the reindeer might leave! We helped to mix the ingredients together, and we counted out how many spoonfuls we put…
Category: Nursery
The Star
We heard about the star that shone over the stable in Bethlehem. We made our own stars by wrapping special Christmas wool around a star shape, this was great exercise for our hands and fingers!
Category: Nursery
Festive Baking!
Category: Reception
Festive Baking!
Category: Reception
Nursery News 19.12.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Winter Reading Challenge
Our reading ambassadors Ellie and Archie informing us about the ‘Winter Mini Reading Challenge’.
Category: Year 4Mc
The Donkey’s First Christmas
As we have been learning about the Nativity story, the children have been interested in all the people and animals who were there on the first Christmas night. As our present to the children we have adopted a donkey who lives in a Donkey Sanctuary. The children have chosen to support Henry who has…
Category: Nursery
Christmas Patterns
We have been learning about patterns in our maths sessions. We followed an A B C pattern to work together to make some Christmas paper chains! Our pattern was green, red, yellow!
Category: Nursery