Adiós Eva
Category: Year 4Mc
Our Friendship Tree
In religion, we are learning about the importance of friendship. How a friendship is a bridge between two people that needs to be maintained, strengthened and repaired just like a bridge. We created a friendship tree to help us reflect on the importance of friendship. We thought of words that…
Category: Year 4Mc
Category: Year 4Mc
More Tag Rugby fun in the sun!
Category: Year 4Mc
Susan Laughs
Today Mrs Elsey brought Matthew’s spare wheelchair to school for her friend. We asked if we could have a go in it. We each had a turn of being the passenger and the wheelchair assistant. We shared the story “Susan Laughs” about a little girl who is just like us, she is happy, sad, grumpy, loves…
Category: Nursery
Nursery News 22.5.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Dressing the altar with Fr Ged
Category: Year 4Mc
Acting out the story of the water cycle in Geography
Category: Year 4Mc
Today we helped Father Ged to dress the alter
Category: Year 2/3M
We made our own Reading Den!
Category: Reception
Toasting Marshmallows!
Category: Reception
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Category: Reception