Meet our Class Councillors
Category: Year 6J
Spelling Partners
Category: Year 6J
Engaged in our own learning!
Category: Reception
Improving our Fine Motor Skills!
Category: Reception
Play Learning!
Category: Reception
A liturgy celebrating International Peace Day
A beautiful liturgy all about Peace led by Liam, Sienna and Imogen.
Category: Year 4Mc
Liturgy by Amaiyah, Freya and Lois - International Peace Day!
Category: Year 4/5D
Art - soap sculptures
Category: Year 2/3M
Thank you to Dylan and Emmanuel for leading us in our Collective Worship this week with our first pupil-led liturgy.
Category: Year 6J
Our Class Liturgy
This afternoon we had our class liturgy. We set up our table with a lovely green cloth, the crucifix from the wall, our bible and some candles. We watched a video that was telling us about Jesus, we said our school prayer and we sang a new song called “My God is so Big”.
Category: Nursery
Teacher-led liturgy about Peace!
Category: Year 4/5D
Meet our Reception Buddies
Category: Year 6J