Our Christmas Storybook Cards!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Our Christmas Storybook Cards!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Our Christmas Storybook Cards!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating our Christmas themed storybook cards with moving mechanisms in DT!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Understanding the importance of Advent in RE
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Investigating which method is the quickest for melting chocolate!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Creating moving mechanisms in DT!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Our class show and tell!
We are super proud of the children for all participating in our class show and tell as part of ‘No Pens Day’!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
A wonderful child-led liturgy about friendship
Well done Helna, Marco & Yusuf for your beautiful liturgy about the importance of friendship.
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Reading Ambassadors
Our wonderful reading ambassadors Eliyanah, Macie-Mae and Yusuf talking about the importance of reading and ‘Non-Fiction November’.
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
Exploring a range of Egyptian artefacts and linking them to their achievements!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas
First internet safety meeting from our JOSO’S!
Category: Year 3/4MC - Miss McNicolas