Coding Crazy - Year 5/6
Plenty more coding fun with Year 5/6!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Prayer Leader Reflection - Year 3/4
A wonderful reflection to start the day off from our Prayer Leader Ben. Today's reading was about 'Doubting Thomas' and how we must trust in God.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Coding Week Continued - Year 2
This morning Year 2 successfully programmed their own 'bubble burst' game!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
E-safety talk - Year 5
This week is Coding week! Our internet safety officers have been to each class to remind us all of the importance of staying safe online.
Thank you Linus and Charlie.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Coding Week With Year 1/2
Celebrating Coding week by programming Bee-Bot.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Science Matetials - Junk Modelling Year 2
What a great (and messy!) morning we had using and recycling different materials to make all kinds of different structures! Well done Year 2!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
ICT sending emails Year 2
We have been busy this morning sending emails to Mrs Danby!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
ICT Year 6 - Scratch programming
This afternoon we used the program Scratch to write different Algorithms. We had lots of fun choosing different sprites and backgrounds.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Investigating Materials Year 1/2
Today we investigated what things were made out of around school.
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Gaelic Football Year 6
Year 6 practising their Gaelic football skills. I was very impressed! :-)
Category: Pastoral Care Team
Internet Safety Year 2
We have been learning how to keep safe online!
Category: Pastoral Care Team
MUFC Year 1/2
This week we concentrated on improving our dribbling skills. Great session!
Category: Pastoral Care Team