29 April 2020

Image of Keeping In Touch With Reception

Hello Everyone,

We hope you are staying safe and well, it was so lovely to speak to so many of you and your families last week and hear how fabulously hard you are all working. Well done to each and everyone of you!

We miss you all and cannot wait until we see you all again back in school, in the meantime keep doing what you are doing, spending time with your family and working hard!

It was wonderful to see how many of us across the country showed our appreciation to the wonderful work the NHS workers are doing. I know some of us have been sending cards and pictures to show how much we value their hard work in looking after us all.

This week Mrs Breen will be sharing a story with you and an activity plan for you tomorrow, please don’t feel you have to do all of the activities, you may want to pick and choose or even add your own.

We hope you have been enjoying the online Phonics Lessons and have found them useful.

We have loved to see how hard you have been working on EEXAT, you and your families are doing a wonderful job with your at home learning and you should all be very proud of yourselves.

We will continue to add stories and some recommended activities moving forwards, if you have any questions please remember you can contact school and we will get back to you.

Missing you all, stay safe and take care

Mrs Breen, Mrs Doherty and Mrs Neville

Posted by Mrs Birtles

Category: Reception